Monday, June 19, 2006

Inspire Me Thursday - "All in Good Time"

I started this intending it to be a 30 min. challenge. It didn't work out. The watercolor alone took 35 mins, to apply it and I had to let the different colored patches dry so they wouldn't bleed into one big huge blue and green mess. So, instead I gave myself an hour, letting the watercolor portion dry overnight (maybe that was cheating, but it was getting real late), and finished it today right after work, with a little gouache in the seams, and some colored pencil embellishings for the patches. All in all it took me just under an hour.

I'm not a quick painter by any means, so this was a definite challenge. I will do more quilts, I love the patterns and the possibilities, but I will take a little more time with then next ones. =)

Thanks again for challenging me!


Unknown said...

luvly pattern and color combination.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful, I love the colours!
It's not easy to work fast with watercolours, that's for sure :)