Monday, June 19, 2006

#1 - Object of the Day...

Lately, it has been a fight to get myself to settle down and, in an effort to break this 'block', I'm setting myself to a challenge...

One object, item, thing, creature...whatever...a day. I'm not setting any limits. I can spend five minutes on the object or five hours. It can be a simple, tiny sketch or an elaborate piece of art work. It can be digital or paper/pencil. As long as I can come up with, and post, a single item each day...for that is the goal, I will be content. Here is the first item...a lamp. Nothing to get excited about... but goal worthy, none the less.
Here is a preliminary list I wrote up yesterday, just something to draw off of. The sketch of the woman, was a possible IF "dance" I probably won't use.

And, lastly, here is a quilt I started last night right before bed. I love quilts and the patterns they encourage, so you'll probably see more of these. This was originally going to be my Inspire Me Thursday "All in Good Time" submission...the challenge being to create something in a given amount of time. I had originally thought I could whip this out in 30 minutes...I was wrong. I hadn't thought about giving the individual patches time to dry so they wouldn't bleed together. I will be adding detail (hopefully after work) and will post the finished piece when it's done.

I wish you all a good, productive, peaceful week. =)


Vintage Papers said...

I think your sketches are very impressive (I cannot draw worth beans). I also like the goal you have set - something I need to do myself! :)

Christine Lim said...

I like your pencil sketches.