Wednesday, December 27, 2006


This is a painting I did for my mom for Christmas. Nothing to get terribly excited about but it was the first thing I have done in a long time. I have been lazy. =)
Peace to you all during these crazy holidays.


Amy Zaleski said...

This is quite beautiful and serene. A lovely gift.

Michelle Lana said...

what a beauty!!!

pati said...

Awww... this is so sweet, Anne!

Diane Duda said...

i think it's beautiful!

tusen said...

lovely! I also like the format you used - it suits the theme very well

studio lolo said...

Peaceful like the quiet snow. Very pretty!

Anastasia said...

very sweet!

garth bruner said...

oh, I can totally sense how quiet it is. Beautiful.

Michelle said...

Wonderful work!

Bill Z said...

this looks great - I love the snow on the branches (wish we'd get some - it's 60 here!)

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

Little red bird, like a small full heart, singing admist the winter...knwoing it is spring!

I hope you post soon, let me know when you do!! said...

real nice. japanese inspiration ?