Tuesday, August 15, 2006

#39 Daily sketches - Child vs. Demon

What makes a sketch or piece of art "unworthy" to post? Who decides?

My Inner Demon decides.

I, typical of most artists I think, am unbelievably hard on myself. Ridiculously hard at times. If I can't come up with something "I" think is good, I simply won't post it. My art represents me...

Demon: "If you put up a crappy piece, what will they think? Will they stop visiting your blog? Who really looks at your stuff anyway, Anne?"

This demon likes to ridicule me.

Demon: "Oh man...you're not going to post that are you? *thundering laugh*

In the meantime, my Inner Child has retreated to a closet to play with lincoln logs, legos and video games. Anywhere is good, as long as she doesn't have to listen to the demon laugh.

This morning, the child came out of the closet and said... "To Hell with the Demon...send him back where he belongs! Are you going to let him decide for you??"

And so I drew, and I am posting what I drew. And it doesn't matter what they think or if they like it.

It is what it is.


Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

I posted a long message that started like this;
the ying and yang, the black and white, the soft and hard, the demon and child ...finding balance.
Did you receive it?

anne said...

I didn't =(