Sunday, July 09, 2006

Playing with CafePress

Well, I really haven't had much time to do anything this weekend...sorry everyone. =( If it gets quieter this afternoon I will get the paint out and play with it. I did start a canvas painting last week that I should really try to do something with. So far, I have only blocked in some color...this is where I usually scrap a project if I don't like where it's going. I have suggested as much and gotten the "finish it, Mom" scowl. I'll take a picture if and when I do actually finish it.

Other than that, I have been messing with CafePress. A couple of friends have suggested opening a store, so I started a freebee one, just for fun. Doubt it will go anywhere, but you just never know about these things. If nothing else, it inspires me to create more art for possible items.

On the other hand...

Maybe....just maybe, the masses will find it and decide they can't live without my beautiful items, then I'll just have to start premium shop! Hahaha! (one can dream!)

I'll be back to the daily sketching tomorrow....promise. =)

1 comment:

anne said...

Hello! Thanks for the note.

I was born and raised here in the Seattle area, and yep, I did go to art school here, though only for a couple years. I was in a commercial art program at the Burnley School of Art in Seattle, and the Praxis School of Art (neither of which exist anymore). I quickly realized I really wasn't cut out for the "commercial" part.

My sister lived in Belligham for years and I used to come up and visit her all the time...I miss it!

It's very nice to meet you!