Friday, July 14, 2006

Dr. P.H. Martin's Bombay Inks

My inks finally came in the mail yesterday...Yay! I played with them a bit last night on little scraps of not-so-great watercolor paper. So far I like them. They seem more vibrant and easier to use than the Hydrus, and they are permanent and light fast....which means I can actually paint some hangable art with them! Yay again! They seem to have a nice watercolor feel to them (click the image below for a closer look). The violet and teal are not quite as bright as the concentrated watercolor version, but they'll do just fine. They dry REALLY fast...something I'll have to get used to. And, once these dry, that's it...there's no changing anything. Another bonus is that they shouldn't ( I haven't tested this yet) bleed into any gouache or acrylic I apply over them.

My only beef with them is that I bought a set of 12 inks (they were relatively inexpensive) that came in cheap little plastic bottles that don't seal well (below).

If I do wind up using them a lot, I'll purchace the bigger bottles w/eyedroppers (below).

Now....what shall I paint?....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

/vote self portrait