Thursday, June 01, 2006

Once upon a time...

... I loved to draw and paint women. These were a few of my paintings from 2000. Unfortunately, somewhere between the divorce and getting a full time job, I lost the ease with which I used to do this. Now, in trying to get that back, I realize how lucky I lucky I am to have this talent. Somehow, someway, by God, I will make it back there...

"Peaches" ~ 2000

"Monsoon" - 2000

"Spring" - 2000

"Monsoon" - modified 2006

"Spring" - modified 2006

(I'm having way too much fun with the scanner - maybe I'll scan in some crazy fabrics next!)


Vintage Papers said...

WOW! you are quite the artist.
it must be wonderful to have the ability to paint and draw. I have found that working on some sort of project is great therapy (especially during and after divorces)! beautiful work!!!!

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

the vines dance around her arms and she appears to think it is normal, ah to live such a life where extrordinary was ordinary...isn't it already like that?

anne said...

Thank you both for you're encouraging comments.

You don't know what they mean to me. =)

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.