Monday, June 12, 2006

'Jungle' Illustration Friday - 'Show and tell' Inspire Me Thursday

Sadly, I had very very little time this weekend. And am likely to have even less time this week. As much as I hate to do this (I really like to challenge myself with the new topics) the piece above is an older painting that I edited in photoshop. The two paintings below, however, I did on Saturday. The ones above and below I started with the watercolor (Dr. P. H. Martin's) and added detail with a fine brush and gouache. The picture above I pulled into Photoshop, masked off the woman, added a watercolor layer, and then added a black layer.

Above I was playing...again with watercolor and gouache, and the 'jungle' theme. I'm not much of a landscape type artist, I'm afraid. Something I really need to work on when I have the time.

The leaves below where done in gouache alone. Just playing with the colors and patterns.

If nothing else, this weekend, I dug up my box of gouache and rediscovered why I love it so much. Used correctly (below is not a good example) it can produce a nice even satin cover. I think next to watercolor, it's got to be my favorite media.

As for the how and why, and the show and tell for Inspire me Thursday, I'd like to add that I love color and pattern. I try to use patterns inspired from nature where ever I can. The colors I use are crazy and at times I wish I could tone it down some. It recently occured to me, however, that perhaps my attraction to bright colors is part of me, and so maybe I wasn't meant to 'tone it down'.

I also find a lot of inspiration is the strength of women. The woman I did above is part of a series of paintings I did depicting woman as a natural 'godesses'. This one was titled "Spring". Playing with it and the background made me think of the 'jungle' theme so I deiced to use it. There was also "Monsoon", "Summer" & "Autumn". "Winter" is still waiting to be painted.

I wish you all a good week. =)


arvindh said...

You have an elegant style!

JO said...

Very pretty. You do have a great style.

Unknown said...

This is lovely - I love the refreshing watercolor washes combined with the controlled elegant look of this lady. Wonderful colors too!

Teri said...

This is so pretty and I really enjoyed your description of your methods.

Diane Duda said...

Just love her hair and the vines. Very pretty.

Karina Cocq said...

Good .... very beautiful this one the image .... it(he,she) is very sensitive.

FoodChiCa said...

I see those leaves in a fabric, it could be a fabric print! Lovely!

Unknown said...

THese are lovely!! Wonderful illos!

lil kim said...

These are gorgeous Anne, I really love the woman's pose and the textures. The leaves are lovely and it's always good to experiment - i think even if you feel something isn't successful, it all helps lead to success down the road. That's how I explain away my failures anyway :-)

Anonymous said...

I like your work. Nice colours and line. Beautiful

Majeak Ann said...

very beautiful greens..very elegant piece..loved it!!!


s4ndm4n said...

Very nice work. I like your style and especially like the 2nd image.. :-)

albina said...

Love the individual leaf sketches – they are wonderfully iconic.

Regina said...

peaceful colors and image! Beautiful!