Sunday, June 25, 2006

Inspire me Thursday - Open Studio

My studio...well, it's my kitchen counter. I do have a drawing table, but at the moment it is the home of the scanner and misc. other items.

We (Myself, my husband Darrin, Erica & Neal) live in a house that is just under 700 sq. ft. It is cozy, to say the least. So I paint where I can, when I can.

I thought it would be fun, since it's Sunday and I have the time, to take some pictures of what I do and how I do it. I totally 'winged' this painting. I just decided to do a weird painting of whatever and try to cover the little 4x6 piece of watercolor paper I had. For this I used Dr. P.H. Martin's Concentrated Watercolor. I love this stuff, the colors are incredible...problem is, it's not AT ALL lightfast and is really only good for something you are going to scan or reproduce. I learned this the hard way. I gave my original 'gecko' paintings to a couple of close friends, told them not to hang them near a window. Well, they hung them in a room next to a window and within a couple months the paintings where virtually gone. I'm just glad I scanned them first.

I love the randomness of watercolor. But, I like to have control at the same time. So I 'cage' the watercolor in specified area and then let it do it's thing. First, I specify the space and put down a nice wet wash.

Then I drop a darker concentration of the same color into the wet space. These watercolors are extremely vibrant, one little vial lasts a very long time.

Then I drop in some of a different I added Ultra Blue to Jungle Green. (Green? Not's more of a turquoise)

Then I drop in straight water and let it spread. Sometimes I drop some rock salt on there for texture but I didn't use it this time.

So...I continue to add more shapes, and do the same things to them. I added different colored shapes, dropping the next color of the spectrum into them...etc. (The outside swirls I started with Ultra blue and dropped Violet into them...then started with Violet and added Cyclamen to that...and so on)

Until, I had covered the whole piece of paper with shapes...

Then, I got out the goauche. I used only white gouche inside the shapes to start. The gouache soaks up so much of the watercolor that there really is no point in adding any other color.

Later I went in and added some other details with different colors of gouache. And ...There you have it. My finished crazy painting!

I don't think it will make it into the Louvre, but it was fun and I enjoyed taking the pictures along the way!

"Crazy Sunday Painting"

As Scarecrow would say..."Make of it what you will!"

Have a great week everyone. =)


Unknown said...

Wow!!!luvley pattern and colors!

Anonymous said...

That is so amazing. I recently tried something similiar with watercolour and used masking tape to make "stencils". I just wondered how you controled the watercolour there because I really don't see anything and I would love to keep experimenting this way.

anne said...


I don't use any kind of masking. If you have decent paper (I like to use bristol) and the paper is dry to begin with, the paint wll stay inside the the wet area you paint in.
If you paint next to the area before the paint is dry the new area will bleed into it, I avoided this by not having the two areas touch. If you want the two areas to touch, just wait until the first one dries and be careful when you lay down the paint next to it. =)

Thank you all for your encouraging comments...they mean the world to me and help me keep painting!

jennifer black said...

That is fabulous. Thanks so much for the multiple photos, too. Absolutely vibrant and beautiful.


Anonymous said...

just gorgeous!!! the colors and the composition of it - it's fantastic!

Miriam said...

Just beautiful! I, too, appreciated the "lesson". I'm in the midddle of no studio space too, but am trying to carve out my nitch yet again. My brother's name is Neal Eric. Interesting, I thought, since your children have both his names in some way shape or form. :)

Vintage Papers said...

this is so cool. thank you for showing the step by step process!

firstborn studio said...

beautiful fabulousness!

Joy Eliz said...

Wow!! that's so cool! Love the swirls:)

Suzie Q said...

Just beautiful! So good of you to show the whole process. That trick with gouache is amazing! :) I love this piece, the colours, the patterns...Absolutely Gorgeous! :)

Teri said...

This is just stunning! I love everything about it-the colors,the form and how you did it.

And all this is such a small place. You are definitely motivated!!

Anonymous said...

i loved the color and movement! i don't have much experience with water collor, but now i want to try it... what is gouache?

Stacia said...

Thanks for the how-to. I'll have to give that a try. Love the organic design.

anne said...

Gouache is just a fancy name for opaque watercolor. =)

Regina said...

beautiful swirls of color and energy! Loved seeing your process!