Sunday, May 07, 2006

The best laid plans of mice & men...

So, I had great plans for this, try that...

As it turns out, I was woken by the phone at 6 am. It was Neal in Reno, NV..he and Jamie where going to be catching a flight at 7am and needed me to pick them up at the airport. So I, got up, made some coffee tried to wake up some more. The airport is about 30 mins away so I headed out at 8, got there just as they were landing.

Since I was only 5 mins or so from my mom's, I decided to stop by real quick, and drop off the reimbursemnet check Digipen sent for Lee. Well, as I know all too well, and should have remembered...nothing with my family is "real" quick. Jamie, Neal and I got roped into going to Starbucks with the whole lot of them. Which was fine, but me must have been there an hour and a half...ugh. They hadn't seen Neal in a good six months so there was a lot to talk about. Anyway, after a quick stop at B&N, Jamie, Neal and I finally made it home at around noon. A good chunk of the day gone, BAM!

To top it off I was unusually tired...and still am. After taking Elani back to her dad's, I came back and literally feel into bed. I was gone in 10 mins. Slept for 2 hours and still feel like I need sleep. I hope I'm not catching something. Darrin thinks the stress from the last couple weeks just caught up to me, and I suppose that could be very true.

Anyway, all my plans for a bunch of fantastic art experiments today, kinda went out the window. I apologize and will resume as soon as I have a little energy back.

Here's a silly sketch of my brother, Mark. He loves to reminiss, and complains because he says we don't talk enough. Whenever he calls or I see him, the first words out of his mouth are "Quality Time!"

After I get dinner ready, I'll browse the web and look at art....maybe something will inspire me enought to wake up. =)


Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.