Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No apology

I've been painting almost every morning now for over 3 weeks... woohoo! It doesn't sound like much, but for me it's a big step. Just putting a paint brush to paper can be amazingly difficult at times. Some mornings it's a blast.

I seem to want to make apologies for all of my art work. Like there is some BIG goal. "Gosh, I'm sorry...the letters are crooked, there's not enough color, there's too much color, there's not enough interest, there's no focal point, I'm not as good as this person or that person"... ARGH!!.

Anyway, I'm damned tired of apologizing. And, who am I apologizing to anyway? Myself... my damned ego? Can I paint just to enjoy painting? Mmm... Maybe. Someday. Hell, I'm painting and posting, aren't I? Putting my soul on the line for the whole world to see? Yes... Ramblings of a crazy woman. =)

Here are a few of my morning creations... rip them to shreds if you wish... you'll get NO apologies today.

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