Thursday, August 03, 2006

A small tribute to Eyvind Earle 1916-2000

Some people are born to paint. This man was one of those people. Eyvind Earle. His work has inspired me in so many ways. And, I would have to say, he is my favorite artist of all time. His art is just magical to me.
I have this book (I think it actually belongs to my sister, Megg...but, I have it right now...shhh), The Art of Animation ~ Copyright 1958. It is completely beat to death and smells old and musty, just like a good old book should. It was published around the time Sleeping Beauty was released, so it has a lot of illustrations from the movie, some I have never seen anywhere else. I'm not going to go into what I know about the man, or his more recent work. But, with the help of my handy-dandy scanner...I will share some of this wonderful book with you tonight. You can click on the images for a better view, as I'm sure you know. =)

From Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox

From Lady & the Tramp

Conceptual art for Sleeping Beauty

Backgrounds and animation stills

Visit Gallery 21 for more of Mr. Earle's art.

1 comment:

kelmurphy said...

OH! I Love EARLE! So good, right? Thanks for swinging by the blog... I'll make sure to keep up with yours as well